1st February 2019 Le Touquet, France

Destination:- Le Touquet (Camping Car Park, Merlimont).

2 hours 30 minutes, 133 miles and €24 tolls.

Todays drive started in glorious sunshine as we left Honfleur over the (Cable stayed) Normandy Bridge. https://www.pontsnormandietancarville.fr/lhistoire/pont-de-normandie/le-pont-en-details/ This soon changed and became a bit more challenging due to the weather conditions. It was either foggy, snowing or misty.

In recent years there has been issues near to the port of Calais with certain people trying to get inside motorhomes for a free passage to the UK. For this reason Le Touquet is always our last stopover in France before getting the Eurotunnel back to the UK (approximately 1 hour drive).

We know of two other motorhome stopover places in the area that we have used but decided to try this one out.

It is a lovely little site on the coast of France facing northwards towards the English channel with long sandy beaches and sand dunes.

When we arrived the site was covered in snow so we had to drive really slow to get on the service point to fill up with water and again when we parked up.

We went straight out for a walk to the beach and around the village before getting back in the van to warm up and have something to eat.

Tomorrow we will be back in the UK 🙂

About Dean

Angela and I decided that there was more to life than working hard to keep up the payments on the mortgage, to pay the gas, electric, phone bills etc. etc. SO............ In 2008 we sold our house, I initially took a year off (Unpaid) and Angela handed in her notice! We bought a motorhome and set off for a year of travelling! This was the best thing we had done in our lives (Apart from getting married) and we have no regrets. During the year I managed to secure a redundancy package which felt very strange. Almost sad as I had worked for the same company for 19 years (BT). It was always our plan to have a whole year off before thinking about the 'W' word. We began applying to the Camping and Caravanning Club (CCC) for the position of Holiday site assistants in August 2009. After the interview, work experience and induction we were finally given a contract at the CCC site in Inverewe (Scotland). Our plan is to work through the summer in the UK then head to Europe to overwinter before coming back to work the following summer season. Hopefully these few words and our blog will inspire others to get off the hamsters wheel and see that there is more to live than having a house and material things. A cliche I know but this is not a rehearsal, life is too short!!! Since our first contract in Scotland we have worked a winter contract in Oxford (never again!) not Oxford but a winter contract. Hereford for two years, living in a yurt for one! And Cornwall. In between our working we have also travelled a bit. Hopefully this website will give you an insight into our alternative lifestyle. Get out there and live the dream!
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